Monday, November 7, 2016

Smelling Flowers...

"Stop and the smell the flowers" is an old quote, and for my child, he took that to another level --- "Stop and smell All the flowers..." I had two tasks lined up for the day when we went out. Reaching down town, my mind was nailed to finishing the first chore on my list. However, while walking along Harrison road to reach our first destination, my son stopped at every flower stall to smell all the flowers in each bucket. After which, still not satisfied, he ran off to search for more flowers.

So he did find flower plots along the fenced sidewalk, and he had to stop and smell them too.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Luglug, Ludalod...


Luglug, Ludalod my child.
Play with water and tumble in dirt.
Wet clothes can dry and dirty clothes can be washed.
Messy hands can be cleaned and you can clothe yourself in endless soap suds while you gleam.

Go anak... make a splash from that puddle of rain.
Catch those raindrops with your cupped little hands.
Make mountains and balls from sand & mud.
Build towers & fortresses with rocks, stones, and sticks.
Pretend they're all jewels from a distant moon or fallen stars from the sky.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Eye to Eye

I do not anymore define success by means of a degree or a profession or my earning or other accomplishments to be rewarded of.

Right now, the feeling of triumph occurs when my kid is able to finish his meal without a negotiation, or take a nap without a fight, or go through a day without a tantrum.

These are my daily successes now:

To cook his meal while he's asleep;
To do the laundry without him pulling the cords and clothes' line;
To wash the dishes without him flooding the kitchen floor;
To bake & frost a cake without his hand on the flour or the cream; and
To deliver orders with him on one arm and a cake on the other...

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Where is Hell?...

In homes,
     where families fight and kill each other
     where husbands & wives blame each other
     where children are yelled at & ignored
     where abuse happens in the darkest corners of the house & a child is sworn into agonizing secrecy...

In hospitals,
     where the sick struggle to survive
     where babies beg for their lives
     where the dying hope for light in their next life...

In wars,
     where innocents are raped & burned alive
     where soldiers, rebels, and terrorists accuse each other as enemies
     where lifeless bodies are scattered along the streets and underneath the rubble...